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General Information
    • ISSN: 2382-6185
    • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Knowl. Eng.
    • Frequency: Semiyearly
    • DOI: 10.18178/IJKE
    • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Chen-Huei Chou
    • Executive Editor: Ms. Shira,W.Lu
    • Indexed by: Google Scholar, Crossref
    • E-mail: ijke@ejournal.net
Prof. Chen-Huei Chou
College of Charleston, SC, USA
It is my honor to be the editor-in-chief of IJKE. I will do my best to help develop this journal better.
IJKE 2019 Vol.5(2): 64-67
doi: 10.18178/ijke.2019.5.2.119

Model for Measuring the Performance of Knowledge Management in Organizations

Abstract—It shows the different concepts related to knowledge management, the importance of this and how should measure the performance of knowledge management in order to have a viable model to ensure the proper functioning of the organization. A simple structure is proposed for the model, composed mainly of actors, resources and indicators. This structure is detailed a little in this article and the general model is proposed.

Index Terms—Knowledge management, measuring, models, indicators, performance.

The authors are with the District University “Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá, Colombia (e-mail: vmedina@udistrital.edu.co, rafaemg96@gmail.com, omunicacionesyculturalina@gmail.com).


Cite: Víctor Hugo Medina García, Rafael Eduardo Montenegro González, and Lina María Medina Estrada, "Model for Measuring the Performance of Knowledge Management in Organizations," International Journal of Knowledge Engineering vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 64-67, 2019.

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